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Toilet Paper Origami

15 Nov

All my friends are headed for Japan in the next few months, mostly to ski and indulge in some good ol’ consumerism. I have also dropped some very not subtle hints about Rilakkuma. If your brain goes “Wtf is Rilakkuma? How do you even pronounce that?” Clearly, you’re missing out.

<img src="“>
Aww aww awww. Bonjour Mademoiselle!

A reversible tote!

<img src="“>
A HAT!!!! (Ignore that condom in her mouth…)

Anyway Rilakkuma aside, the Japanese are also wonderful origami artists. You know a bathroom’s been cleaned recently when the toilet paper has a little triangle folded at the end of it right? How about TOILET PAPER ORIGAMI?!


I especially love the Hina Matsuri dolls!

Some of them come with instructions, such as Mt. Fuji.

Seems easy enough…

But why aren’t there instructions for the usagi?! 😦